
Garlic is famous for a strong aroma and delicious taste which elevates any savoury dish. This amazing vegetable offers significant health benefits. It has been used traditionally to treat colds/flu and other viral infections.

Garlic is a source of an organic sulphur compound called allicin which is released when the vegetable is chopped or crushed. This compound has been shown to have cholesterol and blood pressure lowering effects as well as anti-microbial activity. Allowing crushed garlic to stand for 10 minutes before being cooked may help increase allicin levels.

A natural prebiotic, garlic can support a healthy microbiome as it contains fibre that feeds beneficial gut bacteria. It can also kill off hostile bacteria such as H-Pylori and Campylobacter (food poisoning) infections.

Ideas for How to Include Garlic in your Daily Diet:
• Mince and add to marinades, salad dressings and sauces
• Spread roasted garlic cloves on toast
• Garlic infused oil can be used in cooking, salad dressings or over roasted vegetables
• Add to dips like hummus or guacamole
• Make garlic and herb butter

Garlic and Herb Butter

Prep Time: 15 Minutes

Serves: 8

• 200g good quality salted butter
• 1 tbsp chopped chives
• 1 tbsp chopped basil
• 1 tbsp chopped parsley
• Zest of 1 organic unwaxed lemon
• 3 large garlic cloves, minced

1. Mince the garlic and leave it to sit for 10 minutes. This will allow the active ingredients to be released which ensure maximum health benefits
2. Mix soften butter, herbs, garlic and zest of lemon in bowl well
3. Put butter mixture into cling film and roll to form a log, transfer to grease proof paper and store in the fridge for up to two weeks.


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